May 26, 2024
ABE Lovebird Show October 28, 2023
There are few words to express the deep pain and sorrow of losing our dear friend and ABE Representative Alicia Bryans, she was very dedicated to Agapornis Breeders & Exhibitors not only working hard at the shows but also helping with whatever was needed throughout the year.
One of the hardest things to say is goodbye to a dear friend, you were a definition of a friend indeed. We will never forget the good memories we all shared together.
Death might have taken you away quickly but you live forever in our hearts, dear friend. 😢 rest in peace.
It is with great sorrow that we announce the death of our judge, Terry Sayers. He passed away early in 2020 from the COVID virus.
His knowledge and love for aviculture will forever be remembered. Our prayers go to his family during this difficult time. Rest In Peace 🙏🏻
It is with great sorrow that we announce the death of our judge, Osvaldo Comendador. Osvaldo passed away in 2021 from the COVID virus.
His knowledge and love for aviculture will forever be remembered. Our prayers go to his family during this difficult time. Rest In Peace
Es con gran dolor y tristeza que os traigo noticias de la muerte de nuestro juez, Osvaldo Comendador que falleció a causa del virus COVID en el 2021.
Su conocimiento y amor por la avicultura vivirá siempre en todos los que lo conocieron.
Nuestras oraciones van para su familia durante estos momentos tan difíciles. Descansa en paz 🙏🏻
It is with great sorrow and pain that we announce the death of our judge, Jose Ravelo. He passed away after recovering from the COVID virus and after a couple of months developed other health complications.
His knowledge and love for aviculture will forever be remembered. Our prayers go to his family during this difficult time. Rest In Peace
Es con gran dolor y tristeza que os traigo noticias de la muerte de nuestro juez, José Ravelo. Ravelo tuvo el virus COVID y se recuperó pero meses después desarrolló complicaciones y falleció.
Su conocimiento y amor por la avicultura vivirá siempre en todos los que lo conocieron.
Nuestras oraciones van para su familia durante estos momentos tan difíciles. Descansa en paz
It is with great sorrow and pain that we announce the death of our judge and dear friend, Martin Gil. He succumbed to the horrible COVID virus today after battling the disease for days. Last week he felt better and when I spoke with him he sounded great and hoping to recover soon, however, all of the sudden he got worse.
He was a true friend to everyone he met and a source of strength for all who knew him, his knowledge and love for aviculture will forever be remembered. Our prayers go to his family during this difficult time. Martin will live in the hearts of all those who knew him. Rest In Peace my good friend
Es con gran dolor y tristeza que os traigo noticias de la muerte de nuestro juez y querido amigo, Martin Gil. Martin falleció hoy del horrible virus COVID después de luchar contra la enfermedad durante días. La semana pasada se sintió mejor y cuando hablé con él sonaba contento y esperaba recuperarse pronto, sin embargo, de repente empeoró.
Era un verdadero amigo para todos los que tuvieron el privilegio de conocerlo y una fuente de fuerza para todos sus amigos. Su conocimiento y amor por la avicultura vivirá siempre en todos los que lo conocieron.
Nuestras oraciones van para su familia durante estos momentos tan difíciles. Martin vivirá en nuestro pensamientos y en los corazones de todos los que lo conocieron. Descansa en paz mi buen amigo
July 2019 – Our Board of Directors and School of Judges Directors have discussed in length over this last year removing the scale of points. The scale of points is an antiquated system mainly to force breeders to attend bird shows in order to accumulate points to reach a champion status. Although at the time it was introduced by many different bird organizations in the USA there were multiple shows almost every weekend across the USA and exhibitors were “enticed” to attend as many shows as possible in order to accumulate points to achieve a champion status. Times change and many aspects of our economy make a big impact on our hobby. As a commitment which ABE has to all of our members we must keep up with the changes in ornithology as well as the bird competitions.
The accumulation of points in order to become champions is absurd because the fact is that most birds deteriorate after a certain time.
Bird shows in Europe have a certain age limit for birds to be able to compete and it’s because the birds are at their peak when they are younger. In the USA we have no age limit for a bird to be exhibited and therefore any bird can compete for points as long as it has a closed traceable leg band.
ABE is an international organization and has had shows in various parts of the world which considers a 1st Place winner a champion without any points accumulated. We believe that a bird is entitled to earn champion status when it wins first place at a competition.
In conclusion, ABE no longer has a scale of points and like Europe, a bird that wins the 1st Place at a Show is a champion. These changes take effect immediately.
* For information on champion status of breeders visit the ABE Champion Birds tab.
En julio del 2019 nuestra Junta Directiva y el Colegio de Jueces de ABE han estado estudiando en detalle durante un año la eliminación de la escala de puntos. La escala de puntos es un sistema anticuado principalmente para obligar a los criadores asistir a concursos de pájaros con el fin de acumular puntos para alcanzar un estatus de campeón. Aunque ese concepto antiguo fue introducido por varias organizaciones de pajaros en los Estados Unidos, habían multiple concursos casi todos los fines de semana por todo los Estados Unidos y los expositores fueron “seducidos” para asistir a muchos concursos con el fin de acumular puntos para lograr el estatus de campeón. Hoy en día muchas organizaciones en USA todavía usan este sistema anticuado de escala de puntos para ser campeón.
También muchas organizaciones comenzaron a tener double o triple concursos en un día o dos días para poder acumular puntos y cobrar doble o triple para registrar los pájaros. Esto también es absurdo, los pájaros sufren cansancio y no se demuestran tan bien como en el primer concurso y tampoco es justo para los expositores.
Los tiempos cambian y muchos aspectos de nuestra economía tienen un gran impacto en nuestra afición.
Como compromiso que ABE tiene con todos nuestros miembros debemos mantenernos al día con los cambios en la ornitología, así como los concursos de pájaros.
En Europa no utilizan la acumulación de puntos para convertirse en campeones. La mayoría de los pájaros se deterioran después de cierto tiempo, para competir en Europa los pájaros deben de tener un cierto límite de edad y es porque los pájaros están en su mejor condición cuando son más jóvenes. En los Estados Unidos no tenemos límite de edad para que un pájaro pueda competir y por lo tanto cualquier pájaro puede competir por puntos, siempre y cuando tenga una anilla cerrada con sus datos.
ABE es una organización internacional y ha tenido concursos en varias partes del mundo que consideran al ganador del 1 lugar campeón sin ningún punto acumulado. En conclusión, ABE ya no tiene una escala de puntos y al igual que Europa, un pájaro que gana el primer lugar en un concurso es un campeón. Estos cambios están en efecto inmediatamente.
* Para información con respecto a criador campeón visite la sección ABE Champion Birds.
This was a one day show organized by the Philippine Avicultural Federation, the show took place in the Alabang Star Mall in Manila, Philippines. Entries were accepted from 7:00 am until 10:00 am and 900 agapornis entries were registered for the PAF/ABE 1st International Show May 5, 2019.
The inauguration took place at different levels and ended on the main stage with national anthems playing from the Philippines, Indonesia and the USA. The show was dedicated to Mr. Benito Faustino who was considered the “godfather of aviculture” in the Philippines, his family was there to celebrate this memorable event. Senator Cynthia Villar showed her appreciation for being invited to celebrate this special event and delivered a beautiful speech followed by speeches from other guests. After the inauguration a total of 7 judges were privileged to judge all of the beautiful birds which were divided into several groups in Roseicollis and Eyerings. Twenty two Top Bench Finalist were chosen from all of the groups and judged accordingly for Best in Show from 1st through 22nd.
The variety and quality of birds was impressive, different species as well as color mutations were a special treat for the eyes of any bird enthusiast and each group had quality birds which made it difficult to choose one bird.
After the selection of Top Bench winners, Best in Show, Judge’s Choice, presentation of awards and many pictures it was time for each exhibitor to pick up their birds.
The Federation provided security to ensure the safety and protection of the birds during the show as well as when the birds were being dismissed.
There were several pairs of birds displayed for exhibition such as Agapornis Fischeri Dun Fallow, Agapornis Canus, Agapornis Pullarius, Agapornis Taranta and Forpus Coelestis, all wonderful specimens!
Overall, I was impressed and amazed at how organized the club and it’s members worked together to make this one day show a success.
I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who was present at the show, everyone who brought birds and trusted the judges to choose the best birds for that day because without your contributions there would not be a show.
To all who made this event possible for the exhibitors as well as inviting ABE and myself to be part of this memorable and wonderful event, to the Badilla family who were wonderfully amazing hosts throughout my visit, Sy and Vidal family who were amazingly entertaining, and everyone else who contributed to making my visit unforgettable… thank you from my heart 🙏
Marilena Salmones
ABE President/Chairman

Our ABE affiliate in the Philippines, Philippine Avicultural Federation (PAF), hosted their 1st international PAF/ABE Show May 5th, 2019 in Manila Philippines.

Setting up the show …
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila Philippines
May 5, 2019

Setting up the show …
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila Philippines
May 5, 2019

Setting up the show …
PAF/ABE International Show
Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

Receiving entries …
PAF/ABE International Show
Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

Receiving entries …
PAF/ABE International Show
Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

Setting up the stage for the inaugural opening ceremony and award presentation…
PAF/ABE International Show
Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

Early in the morning at the show with friends: Paul Vidal, Julius Contreras, Yumi Suzuki from Japan and Marilena Salmones.
Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

Early morning getting ready for the show, ABE President and Judge Marilena Salmones, Yumi Suzuki and her husband Takahiko from Japan, ABE Judge Paul Vidal, ABE Judge Cesar Francisco, ABE Judge Gerrie Gacayan and ABE Judge Julius Contreras.
PAF/ABE International Show
Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

ABE Judges Julius Contreras and Marilena Salmones

ABE Philippine Representative Bobby Badilla and PAF Board Member and ABE Judge Agerico Sebastian
PAF/ABE International Show
May 5, 2019

PAF President Cesar Francisco, his wife and ABE President Marilena Salmones

Bobby Badilla, Faustino Family and Julius Contreras
PAF/ABE International Show
Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

Cutting the ribbon, inauguration festivities with Senator Cynthia Villar, President of PAF Cesar Francisco, PAF Board members Julius Contreras, Agerico Sebastian, Mario Raymundo,
ABE President Marilena Salmones, Benito Faustino family, Bobby Badilla, guests Agapornis Indonesia President Prayoga Bekti and Yumi Suzuki.

Senator Cynthia Villar and ABE President Marilena Salmones cutting the inauguration ribbon
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines May 5, 2019

Senator Cynthia Villar giving her speech at the inauguration of the PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

Inauguration with Senator Cynthia Villar, PAF Board members Cesar Francisco, Mario Raymundo, Paul Vidal, guest Yumi Suzuki, Agapornis Indonesia Board member Prayoga Bekti, Benito Faustino Family, ABE Board member Marilena Salmones and ABE Philippine Representative Bobby Badilla.

From left to right:
Bobby Badilla, Benito Faustino’s family, Senator Cynthia Villar, ABE President Marilena Salmones, Visitor from Japan Yumi Suzuki, PAF President Cesar Francisco, PAF Board member Mario Raymundo, guest Agapornis Indonesia President Prayoga Bekti and PAF Board member Paul Vidal.

Dedication to Benito Faustino.

Senator Cynthia Villar and the Faustino family visiting the birds before the show starts.

PAF/ABE International Show in Manila Philippines
May 5, 2019

PAF/ABE International Show in Manila Philippines
May 5, 2019

PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

PAF/ABE International Show in Manila Philippines
May 5, 2019

PAF/ABE International Show in Manila Philippines
May 5, 2019

PAF/ABE International Show in Manila Philippines
May 5, 2019

Finalists Top Bench Winners
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila Philippines
May 5, 2019

Gathering the Finalists Top Bench Winners
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila Philippines
May 5, 2019

Score board
PAF/ABE International Show Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019
Judging Best in Show out of 22 Finalists

PAF/ABE International Show
Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

22 Top Bench Winners
PAF/ABE International Show
Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019
Top Bench Winners at the PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019
1st – 813 – Arnel Castro
2nd – 328 – Hajii Camantigue
3rd – 245 – Ojay Pulido
4th – 823 – Dario Valerio
5th – 760 – Emmanuel Pagkaliwagan
6th – 841 – Lester Trillana
7th – 668 – JV Villamayor
8th – 613 – Richard Salazar
9th – 730 – Emmanuel Pagkaliwagan
10th – 117 – Danny Barquerros
11th – 557 – Jose Antonio Valdez
12th – 401 – Jomar Ocampo
13th – 853 – Norman Melchor
14th – 381 – Eliseo A. Roque Jr.
15th – 282 – Jason de Mesa
16th – 657 – Eliseo A. Roque Jr.
17th – 522 – Teodorico Ocampo
18th – 138 – Kim Reyes
19th – 789 – Emmanuel Pagkaliwagan
20th – 490 – Cenon Rioveros
21st – 65 – Arnel Cruz
22nd – 28 – Raul Hablado

List of winners at the PAF/ABE International Show in Manila Philippines May 5, 2019

List of winners at the PAF/ABE International Show in Manila Philippines May 5, 2019

List of winners at the PAF/ABE International Show in Manila Philippines May 5, 2019

Best in Show Winner and recipient of $1,000 Award
Mr. Arnel Castro
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila Philippines
May 5, 2019

Best in Show, 2nd and 3rd Best in Show
Arnel Castro and Hajii Camantigue
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila Philippines
May 5, 2019

Best in Show – Arnel Castro
2nd Best in Show – Arnel Castro
3rd Best in Show Hajii Camantigue
With guest International ABE Judge Marilena Salmones

Best in Show owned by Arnel Castro

Best in Show
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila Philippines
May 5, 2019

Best in Show
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila Philippines
May 5, 2019

Best in Show 2nd Place Winner owned by Hajii Camantigue

Best in Show 3rd Place Winner owned by Ojay Pulido
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

Judge’s Choice Awards – 1st Joel Palma, 2nd Victor Bachicha, 3rd Joel Palma
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

Judge’s Choice Award Winners:
1st Pace Joel Palma
2nd Place Victor Bachicha
3rd Place Joel Palma

PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019
Judge’s Choice Award won by Joel Palma, Billy Badilla and ABE Judge Marilena Salmones

PAF/ABE International Show May 5, 2019 in Manila Philippines
Judge’s Choice Award won by Joel Palma with ABE Judge Marilena Salmones, Billy Badilla and Bobby Badilla.

Exhibitors and ABE President and guest Judge Marilena Salmones at the PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

Exhibitors and winners with ABE Judge Marilena Salmones at the PAF/ABE International Show
Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

7th Place Top Bench owned by JV Villamayor
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines May 5, 2019

12th Place Top Bench owned by Jomar Ocampo
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines May 5, 2019

13th Place Top Bench owned by Norman Melchor
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines May 5, 2019

14th Place Top Bench owned by Eliseo A. Roque Jr.
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines May 5, 2019

15th Place Top Bench owned by Jason de Mesa
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines May 5, 2019

18th Place Top Bench owned by Kim Reyes
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines May 5, 2019

PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines May 5, 2019

Judge’s Choice Award owned by Victor Bachicha
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines May 5, 2019

Judge’s Choice Award owned by Joel Palma
PAF/ABE International Show in Manila, Philippines May 5, 2019

Judge’s Choice Award owned by Joel Palma
PAF/ABE International Show
May 5, 2019

PAF/ABE International Show
Manila, Philippines
May 5, 2019

Philippine Avicultural Federation President Cesar Francisco and PAF Board members Julius Contreras; Agerico Sebastian, Paul Vidal and Mario Raymundo presenting a plaque of appreciation to the international ABE guest judge Marilena Salmones.

PAF members: Joel Palma, Kim Reyes, Gerrie Gacayan, ABE President Marilena Salmones, Julius Contreras, Bobby Badilla, Ben Sy, Mario Raymundo, Paul Vidal and PAF President Cesar Francisco.

ABE Affiliates in Indonesia: M. Arifin, M.Syahroni, Edi Dermawan, ABE President Marilena Salmones, William Thomas Sulistyo, Prayoga Bekti, Issac Sinaga and not pictured Kurnia Komara.

Having fun at the ABE Seminar!
PAF members and guests from Agapornis Indonesia
Crimson Hotel Manila, Philippines
May 2, 2019

Having fun at the ABE Seminar in Manila, Philippines
May 2, 2019
Best in Show – Agapornis Yudelsy Garcia
Best Young – Agapornis Yudelsy Garcia
Breeder of the Year (with most birds on the top bench) – Oscar Bouza
1st Place – Oscar Bouza
2nd Place – Oscar Bouza
3rd Place – Joel Velez
4th Place – Oscar Bouza
5th Place – Oscar Bouza
6th Place – Armando Rodriguez
7th Place – Oscar Bouza
8th Place – Oscar Bouza
9th Place – Oscar Bouza
10th Place – Armando Rodriguez
11th Place – Joel Velez
1st Place – Yudelsy Garcia
2nd Place – Oscar Bouza
3rd Place – Alicia Bryans
4th Place – Yudelsy Garcia
5th Place – Alicia Bryans
6th Place – Yudelsy Garcia
7th Place – Yudelsy Garcia
8th Place – Joel Velez
9th Place – Yudelsy Garcia
10th Place – Alicia Bryans
11th Place – Alicia Bryans
12th Place – Yudelsy Garcia
Osmani Rodriguez
Rene Diaz
Alicia Bryans
Alexei Bances
We would like to thank our show secretaries and steward Alicia Bryans, Osmani Rodriguez and Ariel Pruna. Thank you for all the work!

First Place in the Peachfaced Division at the ABE National 2018
Oscar Bouza and judge Luis Ocasio from Puerto Rico

First Place winner in Eyerings & Rares at the ABE National 2018 in Miami, Florida
Yudelsy Garcia

Best in Show at the ABE National Show 2018
Bred and owned, ABE banded by Yudelsy Garcia of Mascotas Olive

Yudelsy Garcia Best in Show winner and ABE Judge M. Salmones at the ABE National 2018 Miami, Florida

ABE Judge Luis Ocasio judging the ABE National 2018 in Miami, Florida

ABE National 2018 in Miami, Florida
ABE Judge M. Salmones judging the Eyerings & Rares Division

Fernando Osoro from Santander, Spain judging the Finch Division at the ABE National 2018 in Miami, Florida

Finch Didision Winners at the ABE National 2018
Best Finch owned by Osmani Rodríguez

Finch Division at the ABE National 2018 in Miami Florida
Osmani Rodriguez and Ariel Pruna
134 entries – 13 exhibitors
Congratulations to all the winners at the ABE National 2017 in Miami.
Thank you to all the exhibitors who brought birds, worked at the show, and trusted the judges with their birds to make it a successful show!
1st Place: Yudelsy Garcia 91 points
2nd Place: Fernando Poviones 90 points
3rd Place: Fernando Poviones 90 points
4th Place: Yudelsy Garcia 90 points
5th Place: Oscar Bouza 90 points
6th Place: Yudelsy Garcia 90 points
7th Place: Yudelsy Garcia 90 points
8th Place: Armando Rodríguez 90 points
9th Place: Oscar Bouza 90 points
10th Place: Oscar Bouza 90 points
11th Place: Angel Fernandez 90 points
12th Place: Angel Fernandez 90 points
13th Place: Yudelsy Garcia 90 points
14th Place: David Bravo 90 points
15th Place: David Bravo 90 points
16th Place: David Bravo 90 points
Best Young: Oscar Bouza 90 points
We are very grateful to these people for the help they provided to the show by working with the birds and the judges:
Oscar Bouza, David Bravo, Fernando Poviones, Osmani Rodriguez, Jose Humaran
and Emi Garcia.
Our judges who worked all day tirelessly: Fernando Osoro and Jose Ravelo.
Our sponsors: Simbad’s Pets, Kaytee, Pets Area Code, Glamorous Gouldians, Alicia Bryans, Hector
Ugalde, Yudelsy Garcia, David Bravo, Oscar Bouza and Marilena Salmones, without your help we could not make this show a success!

ABE Lovebird Show -Richardson, Texas July 29, 2017
Winner Elena Selby
Picture courtesy M. Salmones

ABE Lovebird Show -Richardson, Texas July 29, 2017
Winner Jen Lewis
Picture courtesy M. Salmones

ABE Lovebird Show -Richardson, Texas July 29, 2017
Winner Carlos Gomez
Picture courtesy M. Salmones

ABE Lovebird Show -Richardson, Texas July 29, 2017
Picture courtesy M. Salmones

ABE Lovebird Show -Richardson, Texas July 29, 2017
Winner Stella Barr
Picture courtesy M. Salmones

ABE Lovebird Show -Richardson, Texas July 29, 2017
Picture courtesy M. Salmones

ABE Lovebird Show -Richardson, Texas July 29, 2017
Picture courtesy M. Salmones

ABE Lovebird Show -Richardson, Texas July 29, 2017
Picture courtesy M. Salmones

ABE Lovebird Show -Richardson, Texas July 29, 2017
Picture courtesy M. Salmones

ABE Lovebird Show -Richardson, Texas July 29, 2017
Picture courtesy M. Salmones

Congratulations to Gustavo Gonzalez winner of 1st, 2nd and Judges Choice Award at the Grapevine 2016 ABE Show

Congratulations to Molly DePue for her 3rd Place Winner at the Grapevine 2016 December ABE Show

First Place winner in Grapevine December 2016 ABE Show
Owned by Gustavo Gonzalez

Grapevine 2016 ABE Show 2nd Place winner

3rd Place winner at Grapenive December 2016 – ABE Show
Owned by Molly DePue

4th Place at Grapevine December 2016 – ABE Show

5th Place at Grapevine 2016 ABE Show

6th Place Grapevine 2016 ABE Show

Top Bench winners by punctuation/comparison at the ABE National Show 2016 in Miami

ABE Judge Fernando Osoro, COM, OMJ Spain

ABE Judge, Fernando Osoro, COM, OMJ

Fernando Osoro and Jose Ravelo at the ABE National Show 2016 in Miami

Ben Sy and Bobby Badilla at the ABE National Show in Miami, Florida 2016

Awards ceremony

Out having fun in Miami 2016 ABE National

South Beach, Miami, Florida

The Night Life in South Beach

South Beach Night Life

Having dinner at Bayside with good friends

At Bayside catching dinner

Best in Show – Andy Morton Courtesy Allen King

Best in Show – Andy Morton
Courtesy Allen King

Best Abyssinian – Stevie Stewart
Courtesy Allen King

Best Black Cheeked – Allen & Iris king
Courtesy Allen King

2nd Best Peachfaced – Andy Morton
Courtesy Allen King

3rd Best Eyering – Neil Pegrum
Courtesy Allen King

2nd Best Eyering – Neil Pegrum
Courtesy Allen King

3rd Best Peachfaced – Andy Morton
Courtesy Allen King

Andy Morton (left) with Geoff Gale, judge
Courtesy Allen King

Best Fischer’s – Andy Morton
Courtesy Allen King
ABE LOVEBIRD SHOW – June 11, 2016 Richardson, Texas – hosted by Bird Events in Texas
Agapornis Breeders & Exhibitors would like to take this opportunity to thank Stella Selby and Bird Events in Texas for hosting the ABE Lovebird Show in conjunction with the Exotic Bird Expo in Richardson, Texas. Also, we couldn’t have done it without the following people who graciously helped make this event a great success:
Dian Clark, Audrey Whitright, Molly Depue, Jim Harmon, Tommy York, Gustavo Gonzalez, Sarah Goy Sirsat, Parrot Festival, Cindi Soares, Carlos Gomez. If we left anyone out please accept our apologies.
Results for the ABE Lovebird Show:
1st Place: Yellowfeathered Dilute Fischeri,
Molly Depue
2nd Place: Blue Personatus, Audrey Whitright
3rd Place: Medium Aqua Roseicollis,
Audrey Whitright
4th Place: Sable Medium Blue Fischeri, Stella Selby
5th Place: Blue Pastel Personatus, Audrey Whitright
6th Place: Opaline Lutino Roseicollis, Carlos Gomez
Congratulations to all the winners!

1st Place – Yellowfeathered Dilute Violet Fischeri – Molly Depue

2nd Place – Blue Personatus – Audrey Whitright

3rd Place – Medium Aqua Roseicollis – Audrey Whitright
The ABE School of Judges will be administering exams during the National this year in Miami, Florida for individuals interested in becoming ABE Judges.
Tests in the categories of Psittacines, Budgerigars and Agapornis will be administered. You must register before taking the tests.
For information please contact
El Colegio de Jueces de ABE administrará exámenes durante el concurso nacional este año en Miami, Florida para aquellas personas que esten interesadas en convertirse en jueces de ABE.
Se administrará exámenes en las categorías de psitácidos, periquitos y Agapornis. Las matriculas deben de entrgarse antes de tomar los examenes.
Para información favor de escribir a
Trofeos especiales donados por nuestra Federación Ornitológica Regional Gallega a la Federación hermana Agapornis Breeders & Exhibitors representando el Arte Rupestre de las Cuevas de Altamira y los símbolos religiosos de los Pueblos Celtas del Norte de España.
Las representaciones pictóricas de las Cuevas de Altamira están datadas dentro de los periodos Auriñaciense, Magdaleniense, Solutrense y Gravetiense, abarcando un periodo en la historia de la humanidad entre los 30.000 y los 12.000 años antes de Jesucristo.
Los símbolos Celtas y Cántabros de las medallas, son diseños religiosos y corresponden a creencias sobre la fertilidad, el valor de los guerreros ante la batalla, la salud o la espiritualidad.
Queremos aportar estos pequeños presentes a los criadores y expositores de la Federación Agapornis Breeders & Exhibitors.
Galicia, España
***** La Federación ABE y sus miembros agradecen este gesto tan bonito de nuestra hermana Federación FORG. Es un gran honor presentar estos trofeos en el Nacional este año. Agradecemos especialmente a los Representantes de ABE en España que fueron parte de este obsequio, Francisco Javier Rodríguez Penedo, Fernando Osoro Echezarreta y Miguel Mateos García.
For the National Show 2016 in November
Miami, Florida:
Special Awards donated by the Federación Regional Ornitológica Gallega to our sister Federation Agapornis Breeders & Exhibitors representing religious symbols of the Celtic people of the North of Spain and the rock art of the Altamira caves.
These are pictorial representations of the Altamira Caves, they are dated within the periods Aurignacian, Magdalenian, Solutrean and Gravettian, covering a period in the history of humanity between 30,000 and 12,000 years before Christ.
The Celts and Cantabrian symbols on the medals, are religious designs and correspond to beliefs regarding fertility, virtue, strength, protection, health and spirituality.
We want to give these small tokens to the breeders and exhibitors of the Federation which represents Agapornis Breeders and Exhibitors.
Galicia, Spain
ABE and its members appreciate this beautiful gesture by our sister Federation, FORG. It is a great honor tp present these awrads at the National this year. A special thank you to our Representatives in Spain who were part of choosing this beautiful gift for ABE and the members: Francisco Javier Rodriguez Penedo, Fernando Osoro Echezarreta y Miguel Mateos Garcia.
ABE Lovebird Show, April 9, 2016 – Conroe, Texas
1st Place – Gustavo G. Gonzalez
Whitefaced Heavy Pied Aqua
93 points
2nd Place – Molly DePue
Med Yellowfesthered Fischeri
92 points
3rd Place – Mark Herzog
Dark Blue Masked
90 points
4th Place – Stella Selby
Sable Med Blue Fischeri
87 points
5th Place – Gustavo G. Gonzalez
Opaline Med Aqua
86 points
Judge’s comment:
Congratulations to all five exhibitors for having nice birds even though only four placed on the Top Bench. The first place was a very nice Whitefaced Heavy Pied Aqua Peachfaced with few Pied markings but yet symmetrical. Second place was a Med Yellowfeathered Fischeri which had very good deportment for being the first time in a show. With a little more condition this bird could have won first place. Third place was a Dark Blue Masked, great black head all the way down to the back of the neck and somewhat good condition. Double factor birds are difficult to keep in condition but this bird looked very well.
Fourth place was a Sable Med Blue Fischeri, good size bird with good markings.
Fifth place was an Opaline Med Aqua Peachfaced, good clean face.
There was a Green Pastel Fischeri that was a nice bird but it seemed tired and kept falling asleep and failed to perform as expected, otherwise it was a nice bird.
I was impressed with the quality of all the birds, although the condition was less than desired, all of the exhibitors were novices and did a wonderful job of getting the birds ready for the show. At this show we accepted wired cages as well as show cages because the exhibitirs were novices. Accepting show cages that are not standard show cages are left to the discretion of the Show Division and if the show is not a national level show.
Congratulations to all the winners and for trusting me to judge your beautiful birds.
Marilena Salmones

First Place – Whitefaced Heavy Pied Aqua
Gustavo G. Gonzalez
93 points

Second Place – Med. yellowfeathered Fischeri
Molly DePue
92 points

Third Place – Dark Blue Personatus
Mark Herzog
90 points

Asociacion Nacional Ornitologica Cubana (ANOC)
affiliated with ABE
National Show 2016

affiliated with ABE
Martin Gil, Rafael Lima y Rodolfo Mestril

affiliated with ABE

Total of medals won by countries
South Florida Lovebird Breeders Show results Top 10 winners:
Judged by Mr. Manuel Silva
1st – Armando Rodriguez – Opaline Orangefaced Roseicollis
2nd – Oscar Bouza – Orangefaced Edged Dilute Green Roseicollis
3rd – Fabio Tarazona – Edged Dark Green Fischeri
4th – Luis Gonzalez – Sable Edged Violet FischerI
5th – Yudelsy Garcia – Wild Type Nigrigenis
6 th – Nicky Mass – Edged Med Blue Personatus
7th – Alicia Bryan’s – Creamino Roseicollis
8th – Oscar Bouza – Whitefaced Violet Roseicollis
9th – Alicia Bryans – Blue Pied Roseicollis
10th – Nicky Mass – Med Blue Personatus

1st place Armando Rodriguez, 2nd place Oscar Bouza, 3rd place Fabio Tarazona.

Bird Biotech America Birds DNA online testing) represented by Mr. Jose A. De Cote giving 1st place Best in Show Armando Rodriguez $100 Prize

Left to right: Simbad’s Pet Shop Fernando Dona presented a Quiko award.
Mr. Jose De Cote presenting the Best in Show award to Armando Rodriguez, 2nd place Oscar Bouza, 3rd place Fabio Tarazona and 4th place Luis Gonzalez.

Setting up the show bench.

Setting up the show bench.
ABE Lovebird Show in Miami, March 7, 2015 Congratulations to all the winners!

From left to right: Jose Sierra winner of Best in Show, Warner Lopez and Oscar Bouza, winner of second place. Congratulations!

ABE Lovebird Show, Miami – March 7, 2015

ABE Lovebird Show, Miami – March 7, 2015

ABE Lovebird Show, Miami, March 7, 2015

ABE Lovebird Show, Miami, March 7, 2015
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

ABE Lovebird Show, Miami – March 7, 2915
Copyright Marilena Salmones

Visiting aviaries in Miami after the show – Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Visiting aviaries in Miami – copyright Marilena Salmones

ABE Lovebird Show, Miami, March 7, 2015
Copyright Marilena Salmones
ABE PR INC hosted a show February 28, 2015 in Bayamon Puerto Rico. Congratulations to all the winners!

Bayamon, Puerto Rico – Courtesy Luis Ocasio

Bayamon, PR 2/28/15 – Courtesy Luis Ocasio

Winner of the Eyering & Rares Division, Fabio Tarazona – 2/28/15 Bayamon, PR. Courtesy Luis Ocasio

Winner of the Peachfaced Division, Arnaldo Repollet – Bayamon, PR 2/28/15 Courtesy Luis Ocasio

Bayamon, PR ABE show 2/28/15 – Courtesy Luis Rivera

Bayamon, PR ABE show 2/28/15 – Courtesy Luis Rivera

Bayamon, PR ABE show 2/28/15 – Courtesy Luis Rivera

Bayamon, PR ABE show 2/28/15 – Courtesy Luis Rivera

ABE Lovebird Show Peachfaced Division -Bayamon, PR 2/28.15 Courtesy Luis Rivera

Bayamon, PR ABE show 2/28/15 Courtesy Luis Rivera

Bayamon, PR ABE show 2/28.15 Courtesy Luis Rivera

Bayamon, PR ABE show 2/28/15 Courtesy Luis Rivera

Arnaldo Repollet and Marcus Sierra – Bayanon, PR ABE show 2/28/15 Courtesy Luis Rivera

Bayamon, PR ABE show 2/28/15 Courtesy Luis Rivera

ABE show Bayamon, PR 2/28/15 Courtesy Luis Rivera

Peachfaced Division – ABE show Bayamon, PR – Courtesy Luis Rivera

ABE show Bayamon, PR 2/28/15 Courtesy Luis Rivera

ABE show Bayamon, PR 2/28/15 Courtesy Luis Rivera

ABE show Bayamon, PR 2/28/15 Courtesy Luis Rivera
Agapornis nigrigensis is considered globally threatened by IUCN. It is placed in the threat category of Vulnerable, (N.b. BirdLife International is responsible for compiling the Red List of Threatened Birds on behalf of IUCN).
For more information please visit this site:
CONGRATULATIONS to our ABE Representative in Italy, Mr. Fabio Baesi on his accomplishments this past weekend (Nov. 1, 2014) at the Mostra Ornitologica Citta di Bologna, Italy. Here we share pictures of his awards and his beautiful birds:

Mostra Ornitologica Citta di Bologna 2014
Courtesy Fabio Baesi

Mostra Ornitologica Citta di Bologna 2014
Courtesy Fabio Baesi

Mostra Ornitologica Citta di Bologna 2014
Courtesy Fabio Baesi

Mostra Ornitologica Citta di Bologna 2014
Courtesy Fabio Baesi

Mostra Ornitologica Citta di Bologna 2014
Courtesy Fabio Baesi

Mostra Ornitologica Citta di Bologna 2014
Courtesy Fabio Baesi

Mostra Ornitologica Citta di Bologna 2014
Courtesy Fabio Baesi

Mostra Ornitologica Citta di Bologna 2014
Courtesy Fabio Baesi

Mostra Ornitologica Citta di Bologna 2014
Courtesy Fabio Baesi

Mostra Ornitologica Citta di Bologna 2014
Courtesy Fabio Baesi

Mostra Ornitologica Citta di Bologna 2014
Courtesy Fabio Baesi

Mostra Ornitologica Citta di Bologna 2014
Courtesy Fabio Baesi

Mostra Ornitologica Citta di Bologna 2014
Awards won by Fabio Baesi – CONGRATULATIONS!
XXVIII CAMPEONATO REGIONAL GALLEGO – Octubre 26 – Noviembre 2, 2014
FORG (Federación Ornitológica Regional)
ABE-INTERNATIONAL ( Agapornis Breeders & Exhibitors )
Trofeo, Medallas y Diplomas ESPECIALES donados por ABE-INTERNATIONAL (Agapornis Breeders and Exhibitor), nuestros amigos y colaboradores; hermanados con la Federación Ornitológica Regional Gallega (FORG), con el fin único de la divulgación, cría y exhibición de los Agapornis.


Here are some of the show winners ,,,

Psittacus Forli Show 2014 – bird owned by Roberto Zuffoli, photo courtesy Roberto Zuffoli.
Agapornis Canus – Best in Show 2014

Psittacus Forli Show 2014 – bird owned by Roberto Zuffoli, photo courtesy Roberto Zuffoli.
Agapornis Canus – Best in Show 2014

Psittacus Forli Show 2014 – bird owned by Roberto Zuffoli, photo courtesy Roberto Zuffoli.
Agapornis Canus – Best in Show 2014

Psittacus Forli Show 2014 – bird owned by Fabio Baesi, photo courtesy Fabio Baesi.
Roseicollis – Whitefaced Medium Aqua

Psittacus Forli Show 2014 – bird owned by Fabio Baesi, photo courtesy Fabio Baesi.
Roseicollis – Whitefaced Aqua (blue) -unflighted 2014

Psittacus Forli Show 2014 – birds owned by Fabio Baesi, photo courtesy Fabio Baesi.

Psittacus Forli Show 2014 – bird owned by Agapornis Edmundo Italia, photo courtesy Agapornis Edmundo Italia.
Roseicollis Green (may be Med Green but hard to tell from photo).

Psittacus Forli Show 2014 – bird owned by Il Cesto Di Shari, photo courtesy Il Cesto Di Shari.
Roseicollis – Edged (Greywing) Medium Violet

Psittacus Forli Show 2014 – bird owned by Il Cesto Di Shari, photo courtesy Il Cesto Di Shari.
Roseicollis – Edged (Greywing) Medium Violet
We are grateful to our Representative in the UK, Allen King, for sending the show report and pictures of The Lovebird Society UK.

Best in Show – Opaline Orangefaced Roseicollis – The Lovebird Society UK – Bird owned by Andy Morton, photo courtesy Allen King
Lovebird Show – pictures courtesy Didier Mervilde

Copyright Didier Mervilde
Personatus – wild type
For more pictures of individual birds from the show please go to the following tabs: “Pictures & Videos” – wild type colors. Color mutations can be seen under the tab “Mutations”. SPANISH – Para ver mas fotos de las aves individuales de la competencia pueden verlas debajo de estas lenguetas: “Pictures & Videos” – los colores ancestrales y debajo de “Mutations” – las diferente mutaciones de cada especie.

Book Parrots of Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands (biology, ecology and conservation) by Dr. Mike Perrin
Book review: by Marilena Salmones
Over the years I have collected a variety of bird books including very old books. I recently added a new book to my collection and I must confess it is a well written, informative book.
Parrots from Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands (biology, ecology and conservation) by Dr. Mike Perrin.
The book has over 500 pages with wonderful pictures. The introduction covers many topics such as plumage, coloration of African Psittacines, sexual dimorphism, social behavior, activity, roosting, etc. there’s also chapters on Conservation Biology, intelligence, communication/behavior, breeding biology, diet/metabolism, etc.
The book includes several species of parrots including Agapornis. The chapter on the Agapornis includes all 9 species, besides description of the wild type there’s also information on origin, distribution, conservation status, movements, habitat, habits, vocalizations, breeding, diet, geographical variation and taxonomic notes. The section on Agapornis Swindern (Black Collard Lovebird) explains their arboreal habits and why they are so difficult to detect. Contrary to what many people think, these birds are not extinct.
There are also many charts throughout the book explaining frequency distribution flown by certain species, flight distances from nesting sites, flock sizes, frequency of activities, etc.
Below I share a few pictures of some Agapornis from the book:
NOTE – the pictures in the book are sharp and very beautiful. The pictures below are blurry because I copied them from the book.
This is a great reference book!
Dr. Perrin is Professor Emeritus of Zoology at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, and has been Director of the Research Centre for African Parrot Conservation for a decade. He participated in the World Parrot Summit and contributed to the Parrot Action Plan (2000).

Agapornis Fischeri – from the book Parrots of Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands (biology, ecology and conservation) by Dr. Mike Perrin

Agapornis Personatus – from the book Parrots of Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands (biology, ecology and conservation) by Dr. Mike Perrin

Agapornis Nigrigenis – from the book Parrots of Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands (biology, ecology and conservation) by Dr. Mike Perrin

AGAPORNIS NIgrigenis in a nest in the wild – from the book Parrots of Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands (biology, ecology and conservation) by Dr. Mike Perrin

Agapornis Pullarius, hen in flight – from the book Parrots of Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands (biology, ecology and conservation) by Dr. Mike Perrin

Agapornis Pullarius, male in flight – from the book Parrots of Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands (biology, ecology and conservation) by Dr. Mike Perrin

Agapornis Lilianae – from the book Parrots of Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands (biology, ecology and conservation) by Dr. Mike Perrin

Agapornis Taranta, in a nest, in the wild – from the book Parrots of Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands (biology, ecology and conservation) by Dr. Mike Perrin

Agapornis Taranta, in a nest – from the book Parrots of Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands (biology, ecology and conservation) by Dr. Mike Perrin

Agapornis Canus – from the book Parrots of Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands (biology, ecology and conservation) by Dr. Mike Perrin

Agapornis Canus, male and female feeding their young – from the book Parrots of Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands (biology, ecology and conservation) by Dr. Mike Perrin

Agapornis Personatus in the wild – from the book Parrots of Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands (biology, ecology and conservation) by Dr. Mike Perrin
There are a lot more great pictures in the book …
International Ornithological Congress (IOC)
August 18 – 24, 2014 in Tokyo, Japan
Tiwonge Mzumara will present a session on Lilian’s Lovebirds, ‘Species Conservation’ scheduled on Saturday 23 August at the International Ornithological Congress in Tokyo, Japan.
*** The International Ornithological Congress series forms the oldest and largest international series of meetings of ornithologists. It is organized by the International Ornithological Union (IOU).
We wish her well at the International Ornithological Congress and hope all is a success!
UK LOVEBIRD SOCIETY – MEMBERS SHOW 2013 – submitted by Allen King
The 17th Annual Show took place on September 22nd and proved a big success with an increased entry up above 10% with 132 birds being benched and a few new exhibitors which is always a good sign. Hope to see you all again next year. The first class the Greens produced an entry of 17 cages and the winning bird came from Neil Powers with Andy Morton 2nd and austin Whyte 3rd. The winning bird went on to become Best Peachfaced Lovebird, Best Normal Lovebird and 2nd Best Lovebird in Show. Class 2 for the Blues was headed by Neil Pegrum with Stevie Stewart 2nd and Neil Pegrum 3rd. Class 3 the Pied Class produced a clean sweep for Geoff Gale who was showing the Dominant Pied variety, The Lutino Class was won by Andy Morton with Neil Powers 2nd and Andy Morton 3rd. Class 5 for Cinnamons and Dilutes was won by Austin Whyte who also took 3rd with Neil Powers in between in 2nd. The Orangefaced class was the 2nd biggest class with 9 birds on show was won by Geoff Gale, who also took 2nd with Andy Morton 3rd. The Whitefaced class saw Neil Powers 1st and 3rd with Andy Morton 2nd. The Opaline class was taken by Andy Morton with Neil Powers 2nd And Tony Mulford 3rd. Neil Pegrum won the class for any other mutation. Next was the Normal Masked won by Neil Pegrum with Tony Mulford 2nd and 3rd, this bird going on to win Best masked Lovebird. Neil also took the 1st and 2nd in the Masked Mutation Class. The Fischers were headed by Neil Pegrum who was also 2nd with neil Powers 3rd. with the Mutation class being led by Andy Morton, This bird went on to take the awards of Best in Show, Best Eyering Lovebird, Best mutation Lovebird and Best Fischers Lovebird. Neil powers took 2nd and Tony Mulford 3rd. The Blackcheeked class was a clean sweep for Allen and Iris King, who won Best Blackcheeked and Best rare Lovebird. The Abyssinians were led by Stevie Stewart who also took 2nd. This bird winning Best Abyssinian. The CYOB Classes followed and in the normal green class it was Andy Mortons bird that topped the class with Stevie Stewart 2nd and Andy Morton also taking 3rd, the Blue class went to Stevie Stewart and The Pied class went to Neil Powers with Geoff Gale taking 2nd and 3rd. In the Lutino class Andy Morton came out with the winner with Neil Pegrum taking 2nd and 3rd. The Dilutes/Cinnamon class was won by Andy Morton with Neil Powers 2nd and Neil Pegrum 3rd. Class 24 for Orangefaced went with a clean sweep for Geoff Gale, and the Whitefaced class went to Andy Morton with Neil Powers taking 2nd and 3rd. Andy Morton won 3rd Best CYOB with this bird. The Opaline class again went to Andy Morton with Stevie Stewart 2nd and Andy Morton coming 3rd. The winning bird was also 3rd Best Lovebird in Show and Best CYOB Lovebird. The Masked class went to Tony Mulford, The Normal fischers went to N. Pegrum, and the Fischers Mutation class to Andy Morton. The Abyssinian class was taken by Neil Pegrum. Both Pairs classes were won by Neil Pegrum. with his Fischers winning Best Pair of Lovebirds.
Lovebird Show – pictures courtesy Didier Mervilde

Agapornis Canus (Madagascar)

Agapornis ataranta (Abyssinian)

Agapornis Personatus Dominant Pied


Opaline Medium Violet Roseicollis

Personatus Blue Dark Eye Clear
On behalf of Agapornis Breeders & Exhibitors we would like to thank Didier Mervilde for his kindness in representing us by attending the BVA Show 2013 and sharing his pictures with us.
ABE Seminar – September 15, 2013
Se reunieron algunos miembros en Bayamon, Puerto Rico para hablar de juzgameinto y como escoger las mejores aves y lo que busca los jueces, Se hablo de varios temas sobre los estandares que usan los jueces. ENGLISH – A few members got together in Bayamon, Puerto Rico to discuss the process of judging. They discussed various subjects regarding the Standards judges use.

ABE Seminar – September 15, 2013
Courtesy Fabio Tarazona

ABE Seminar – September 15, 2013
Luis Ocasio sharing with some members.
Luis Ocasio compartiendo con algunos miembros.
Courtesy Fabio Tarazona

ABE Seminar – September 15, 2013
Rigoberto Rivera and son judging lovebirds.
Courtesy Fabio Tarazona

ABE Seminar – September 15, 2013
Courtesy Fabio Tarazona

ABE Seminar – September 15, 2013
Welcome new member!
Courtesy Luis Ocasio

ABE Seminar – September 15, 2013
Courtesy Luis Ocasio

Stafford Nest Feather Show – 7/7/2013
FIscheri owned by Neil Pegrum – Courtesy Allen King

Stafford Nest Feather Show – 7/7/2013
Personatus owned by Tony Mulford – Courtesy Allen Kimg

Stafford Nest Feather Show – 7/7/2013
Lutino Opaline owned by Neil Pegrum – Courtesy Allen King

Best Wishes from Agapornis Breeders & Exhibitors!
SEMINARIO/SEMINAR – AUGUST 18, 2013 in Bayamon Puerto Rico
Gracias a todos que estuvieron presente. El próximo seminario ya esta planeado y lo anunciaremos en cuanto tengamos la fecha confirmada.
¡Gracias Fabio Tarazona and Luis Ocasio!
Thank you to everyone who was present. The next seminar is already planned and we will announce the date as soon as we confirm the dates.
Thank you Fabio Tarazona and Luis Ocasio!

Seminar August 18, 2013 in Bayamon, Puerto Rico – Courtesy :Luis Ocasio

Seminar August 18, Bayamon, Puerto Rico – Courtesy Luis Ocasio

Seminar Agust 18, 2013 in Bayamon, Puerto Rico – Courtesy Luis Ocasio
In this picture: Nicky Mass, Luis Hernandez, Alejandra Cabeza, Javier Aponte, Ramon Luis y Aviario AC.

Para los criadores y exhibidores de agapornis, ABE ofrecerá seminarios educativos durante el año con varios temas:
– como preparar sus aves para una competencia
– nutrición, antes y después de criar y competir
– enfermedades de las aves
– tipos de nidos
– vitaminas, pasta de huevo, Spirulina, etc.
– tipo de papilla para los bebés
– y mucho más!
– genetics
– how to prepare a bird for a show
– nutrition before and after breeding
– bird diseases
– types of nests
– supplements such as vitamins, eggfood, Spirulina, etc.
– hand feeding formula
– and much more!

Welcome to the Lovebird Show in Puerto Rico sanctioned by Agapornis Breeders & Exhibitors.
Bienvenidos a la competencia de agapornis en Puerto Rico sancionada por Agapornis Breeders & Exhibitors.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Show Hall – Trujillo Alto

Nelson & Elvin Sanabria, Nicky Mass y Ramon Fernandez, volunteers helping set up for the show.
Spanish – voluntarios ayudando con los preparativos de la competencia. – Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Nelson & Elvin Sanabria, Nicky Mass, Fabio Tarazona, Ramon Fernandez and Alejandra Cabeza.- Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Fabio Tarazona – last minute preparations the night before.
Los ultimos preparativos la noche antes de la competencia.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Friday night at the Doubletree Hilton lobby – Jose Ravelo, Luis Ocasio, Bobby Badilla and Billy Badilla.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

ABE Show Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico – Judges Luis Ocasio and Jose Ravelo
Courtesy Gerardo Toledo

Show Hall – Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Fabio Tarazona – ready for the show, bring in the birds!
Listo para comenzar la competencia, vengan las aves!
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Registration = Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Arnaldo Repollet
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Exhibitors – Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Exhibitors and Secretary Bobby Badilla – Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Exhibitors – Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Exhibitors Guillermo Morejon, Alejandra Cabeza, Nicky Mass, Fabio Tarazona and Daniel Burgos – Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Bobby Badilla secretary roseicollis Division.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Nicky Mass, secretary Eyering & Rare Division
Secretario de la Division de anillados y raros.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Judge Jose Ravelo and Fabio Tarazona, Steward.
Juez Jose Ravelo y ujier Fabio Tarazona.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Badilla brothers, Bobby and Billy Badilla from the Philippines.
Hermanos Badilla, Bobby y Billy badilla de las islas filipinas.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Jose Ravelo judging.
Jose Ravelo juzgando.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Luis Ocasio, judge and Bobby Badilla, secretary for Roseicollis Division,
Luis Ocasio, juez y Bobby Badilla como secreatarto for la Division de Roseicollis.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones
(the beer bottle does not belong to the judge :-)

Judge Jose Ravelo, Nicky Mass, Fabio Tarazona and Billy Badilla in the background.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

ABE Show Trujillo ALto, Puerto Rico – A very large fischeri section, Arnaldo Repollet accommodates the birds for the judge.
Courtesy Gerardo Toledo

ABE Show Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico – Jose Ravelo judging fischeris
Courtesy Gerardo Toledo

ABE Show Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico – Courtesy Gerardo Toledo

ABE Show Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico – Luis Ocasio, judge.
Courtesy Gerardo Toledo

ABE Show Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico – Jose Ravelo, judge, comparing two birds.
Courtesy Gerardo Toledo

ABE Show Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico – Jose Ravelo judging.
Courtesy Gerardo Toledo

ABE Show Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico – Judge Luis Ocasio explaining to the exhibitors and Bobby Badilla, secretary in the roseicollis Division.
Courtesy Gerardo Toledo

Fabio Tarazona apprenticing – Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Arnaldo Repollet

Arnaldo Repollet aprentice under COM Judge Jose Ravelo.

Warner Lopez and Alejandra Cabeza, both Steward and also Fabio Tarazona in the background.
Warner Lopez y Alejandra Cabeza ayudantes y tambien Fabio Tarazona al fondo.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

COM Judge Jose Ravelo.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Jose Ravelo, COM judge, explaining to exhibitors the differences in judging.
Jose Ravelo, juez de la COM explicando a los exhibidores las diferencias en juzgamiento.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Top Bench Eyering and Rare Division.
El banco con los ganadores de la Division de loe Anillados y Raros.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Top Bench Roseicollis Division.
Banco de ganadores en la Division de Roseicollis.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

ABE Show Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico – First Place in Roseicollis, Nelson and Elvin Sanabria.
Primer lugar en Roseicollis, Nelson y Elvin Sanabria
Courtesy Gerardo Toledo

Judges Luis Ocasio and Jose Ravelo discussing which bird will win Best in Show.
Jueces Luis Ocasio y Jose Ravelo conparando y decidiendo cual ave ganara el Mejor ave de la Competencia..
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Final decision Best in Show a Green personatus owned by Luis Rivera. A tough decision between a Green roseicollis owned by Aviario Sanabria and the Green personatus.
Decision final, Mejor ave de la Competencia, Verde personatus de Luis Rivera. Una decision que no fue facil entre los dos ganadores primer lugar, Un verde roseicollis de Aviario Sanabria y el verde personatus competieron para Mejor pájaros de la Competencia.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Best in Show – Green personatus owned by Luis Rivera.
Mejor Pájaro de la Competencia – Verde personatus de Luis Rivera.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Recognizing the judges with a special award for their great job judgimg.
Reconiciendo a los jueces con un detalle de recuerdo por su buen juzgamiento.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

ABE Show Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico – Fabio Tarazona presents the Badilla brothers, Bobby and Billy with a token of appreciation.
Courtesy Gerardo Toledo

Time to take the birds home.
Recogiendo para llevarse los pájaros.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones

Courtesy Marilena Salmones

A big thank you to Mr. Jose Claudio for all his help during this show.
Mil gracias al Sr, Jose Claudio por ayudar tanto durante nuestra competencia.
Courtesy Marilena Salmones
June 8, 2013
– plus other awards –
brings most birds.
8 DE JUNIO, 2013
********** Cash Award for Best in Show **********
JUNE 8, 2013
Winners at the AEBC Lovebird Show in San Antonio, TX. April 20, 2013

International World Com judge and ABE judge Jose Ravelo

A view of all the winners at the UK Lovebird Society Show
Courtesy Allen King

Best roseicollis shown by T. Mulford – Courtesy Allen King
UK Lovebird Society Show

Best personatus shown by Neil Pengrum – Courtesy Allen King
UK Lovebird Society Show

Best in Show owned by Neil Pegrum – Courtesy Allen King
UK Lovebird Society Show

Best Mutation Lovebird owned by A K and J S Morton – Courtesy Allen King
UK Lovebird Society Show

Neil Powers, Tony Mulford, Allen King and Neil Pegrum, UK Lovebird Society
Courtesy Allen King

Best Pair of Lovebirds shown by Tony Mulford – Courtesy Allen King
UK Lovebird Society Show

Best Taranta Lovebird in Show by S. Stewart – Courtesy Allen King
UK Lovebird Society Show

2nd Best Current Year Owner Bred Lovebird – UK Lovebird Society
Courtesy Allen King

3rd Best Current Year Owner Bred Lovebird – UK Lovebird Society Show
Courtesy Allen King

Neil Powers with his Blue Masked lovebird at the UK Lovebird SHow
Courtesy Allen King

A general view of the Show Hall at the UK Lovebird Society Show
Courtesy Allen King
In December 2012 the Sociedad Ornitologica Cultural Deportiva held a bird show with 1,500 entries. Below you will find photographs. Report courtesy Fernando Osoro, Photographs courtesy Diego Alvarez.
SPANISH– reporte por Fernando Osoro, fotos cortesia de Diego Alvarez
Este pasado mes de Diciembre se celebro el concurso en la Sociedad Ornitológica Cultural Deportiva de O Grove (Galicia) España, con una asistencia de 1.500 ejemplares.
Con una importante participación en Psitácidos de pequeño, mediano y gran porte, como todos los años la Federación Regional Ornitológica Gallega (F.R.O.G.)fomenta la participación de todos sus socios y hace de este concurso el mas importante de Galicia.

Sociedad Ornitologica Cultural Deportiva – Courtesy Diego Alvarez

Sociedad Ornitologica Cultural Deportiva – Courtesy Diego Alvarez

Sociedad Ornitologica Cultural Deportiva – Courtesy Diego Alvarez

Sociedad Ornitologica Cultural Deportiva – Courtesy Diego Alvarez
Blue personatus

Sociedad Ornitologica Cultural Deportiva – Courtesy Diego Alvarez

Sociedad Ornitologica Cultural Deportiva – Courtesy Diego Alvarez
Diego Alvarez receiving an award.
Diego Alvarez reciviendo un premio.

Mondial 2013 in Hasselt Belgium – Courtesy Didier Mervilde

Mondial 2013 in Hasselt Belgium – Courtesy Didier Mervilde

Mondial 2013 in Hasselt Belgium – Courtesy Didier Mervilde

Mondial 2013 in Hasselt Belgium – Courtesy Didier Mervilde

Mondial 2013 in Hasselt Belgium – Courtesy Didier Mervilde

Mondial 2013 in Hasselt Belgium – Courtesy Didier Mervilde
Opaline Orangefaced roseicollis

Mondial 2013 in Hasselt Belgium – Courtesy Didier Mervilde
Whitefaced roseicollis

Mondial 2013 in Hasselt Belgium – Courtesy Didier Mervilde

Mondial 2013 in Hasselt Belgium – Courtesy Didier Mervilde

Alamo Exhibition Bird Club is having their Spring Bird Fair and Bird Show April 20, 2013. ABE will be having a Lovebird Division.
The AOB (Algemene Ornithologische bond van België) is one of the greatest bird clubs in Belgium. The AOB Championship in Ath Belgium is their main show. More than 2000 birds are registered, such as canaries, exotics, European finches, budgies, lovebirds and other parakeets. This year it was open for the public on the 15 and 16 of December. There is also a bird fair. AOB is a member of COM.

AOB Championship in Belgium – Courtesy Didier Mervilde

AOB Championship in Belgium – Courtesy of Didier Mervilde

AOB Championship in Belgium – Courtesy of Didier Mervilde

AOB Championship in Belgium – Courtesy of Didier Mervilde
Beautiful Standard Green roseicollis !!!

AOB Championship in Belgium – Courtesy Didier Mervilde

AOB Championship in Belgium – Courtesy of Didier Mervilde
Agapornis Breeders & Exhibitors has a seminar available on Nutrition for Agapornis. This is a comprehensive presentation on several aspects of nutrition which includes different types of food (seed and pellets), fruits, vegetables, grain, treats, minerals, vitamins, etc. This information also includes feeding schedules for breeding season and the off-breeding season, what to feed your birds to prepare them for breeding and what to feed after the breeding season.
It is part of our goal to provide educational information on certain aspects of the various needs for the different species of agapornis.
Agapornis Breeders & Exhibitors tiene para ofrecer un seminario acerca de las necesidades nutricionales de los agapornis. Es una presentación enfocada a varios temas como: diferentes tipos de comidas (semillas y “pellets”), uso de frutas y vegetales, granos, golosinas, vitaminas y minerales, etc. También pone atención a los requerimientos nutricionales de nuestras aves durante la temporada de reproducción y fuera de la temporada de reproducción
Parte de nuestras metas es proveer información sobre las necesidades de las distintas especies de los agapornis, es parte esencial para mantener nuestras aves saludable en cautiverio.
IMPORTANT – Kaytee Handfeeding Formula –
Lab results were concluded and indicated that product was produced incorrectly. Involved was one production batch of Handfeeding Formula for Baby Birds and one of Macaw Handfeeding Formula. Both of these have levels of vitamin D3 that may cause kidney damage, the severity of which will be dependent on the species being fed, age of babies fed and the duration of feeding.
The following packaging code dates are of concern:
Product Code/SKU/ Material # |
UPC Code | Size | Lot/Serial No. | Product Name/Description | Best Before Code (day month yr) |
100032326 | 07185947510 | 6/7.5 oz. | A1 | Kaytee exact® Hand Feeding Formula Baby Birds | 21 Mar 13 through 20 Apr 13 |
100032328 | 07185947511 | 6/18 oz. | A2 | Kaytee exact® Hand Feeding Formula Baby Bird | 9 Mar 13 through 19 Apr 13 |
100032330 | 07185947512 | 4/5 lb. | A3* | Kaytee exact® Hand Feeding Formula Baby Bird | 14 Mar 13, 30 Mar 13 and 16 May 13 |
100032336 | 07185947518 | 22 lb. | A4 | Kaytee exact® Hand Feeding Formula Baby Bird | 21 Mar 13, 13 Apr 13 and 16 May 13 |
100032337 | 07185947515 | 4/5 lb. | B1 | Kaytee exact® Hand Feeding Formula Baby Macaw | 1 Mar 13, 14 Mar 13 and 19 Apr 13 |
Products and product lots that do not appear on the list above are NOT affected. Please distribute this information as necessary. More details will be distributed by Kaytee regarding product replacement and evaluation of potential problems. Contact your reseller or Kaytee for more information.
Lovebird Show – pictures courtesy Didier Mervilde

Roseicollis Opaline Bronze Fallow Whitefaced

Multicolor Fischeri
Asociacion de Criadores y Exhibidores del Norte, Inc. (ACEN) SPRING SHOW 2012 – Puerto Rico
The Puerto Rican Club, ACEN, had a show sanctioned by ABE in March 2012. It was a successful show with 187 birds and 17 exhibitors. We would like to thank Marcus Sierra and Arnaldo Repollet, members of ABE, for inviting us,. Marcus did a wonderful job of putting together a great show. See pictures under “Pictures” tab.
Las competencias sancionada por ABE estan planeandose en USA al igual que en paises extranjeros. Nuestros mienbros extranjeros han demostrado un gran interes en tener competencias sancionada por nuestra organizacion, ABE. Cuando tengamos los detalles de fechas se lo informaremos a la membresia.
El club Puertorriqueno ACEN, celebro una competencia sancionada por nuestra organizacion ABE en marzo 2012. La competencia fue un exito con 187 agapornis y 17 exhibidores. Muchas gracias a Marcus Sierra y Arnaldo Repollet, miembros de ABE, quienes invitaron a ABE a tener una competencia en su club. Marcus hizo un gran trabajo para que la competencia fuese un exito. Encontraran fotos de la competencia debajo de “Pictures”.
Agapornis Breeders & Exhibitors