Roseicollis Cinnamon-Ino
By Didier Mervilde
At first, when we look at the Cinnamon-Ino Love Bird it looks like a Lutino Roseicollis but in fact it is a different bird. Some breeders also think that we may have a Fallow.
The Cinnamon-Ino is a crossing – over between Cinnamon and Ino.
The Cinnamon- Ino can be a visual Lutino or Seagreen-Ino but instead of a white bound we have a blue one, this is a sex-linked mutation. In fact it is a crossing-over between Cinnamon and Ino.
In Budgerigars this mutation is called a Lacewing, this is also a crossing-over between Cinnamon and Ino but here we see brown wing markings and these markings looks like lace, Cyril Rogers named in 1953 this mutation Lacewing. In fact it was a Yellow Lacewing (green series) bird. In combination with Albino and Yellowface we got later on the White lacewing (blue series) and the Yellowfaced White Lacewing.
In Roseicollis there are no wing markings so we could not describe or call it Lacewing that’s why we named it Cinnamon – Ino.
If we paired a Cinnamon male to a Lutino female all young males will be Green/Cinnamon/Ino. All females will be Cinnamon.
If we paired a Lutino male to a Cinnamon female all young males will be Green/Cinnamon/Ino and all females will be Lutino.
With a crossing-over we get males who are Green/Cinnamon-Ino (crossing-over), all females could not have a crossing-over.
Out of the crossing-over males we can breed Cinnamon-Ino females (crossing-over)
We have a possiblity of 3% crossing-over between Cinnamon and Ino.
Some pairings :
100% Cinnamon-Ino males and females
Green/Cinnamon-Ino males
Green/Cinnamon-Ino males
Green/Cinnamon-Ino males
Green females
Green/Cinnamon-Ino males
Green males
This mutation cannot be exhibited at some European shows because it is not yet accepted.
It is very important to never put Fallow , Pastel (Isabel in some countries), etc. to Cinnamon-Ino because it serves no purpose to do this.
Perhaps in future, clubs and organizations in Europe will change the current standard and give us the opportunity to show these birds, who are in my opinion, a bonus for the mutation breeder. As I understand these birds can be exhibited in the USA, this is very good for the hobby and the breeder, more clubs around the world should be this open minded.